Setting system environment variable varies from OSs


  1. open /etc/profile with super user access and add MONGO_URL_CON="mongodb://{username}:{password}@{server-ip-address-or-dns-address}:{portnumber}/{database-name}" in the end
  2. save it and logout-login or restart the OS

macOS Catalina 10.15.3

  1. open /etc/zprofile with super user access and add MONGO_URL_CON="mongodb://{username}:{password}@{server-ip-address-or-dns-address}:{portnumber}/{database-name}" in the end
  2. save it and logout-login or restart the OS


  1. Choose Advanced System settings
  2. Click on the Environment Variables button
  3. Click on the New button under System Variables
  4. Set MONGO_URL_CON as the environment variable name
  5. Set the mongodb://{username}:{password}@{server-ip-address-or-dns-address}:{portnumber}/{database-name} as the environment variable Value
  6. Click OK and close the MONGO_URL_CON environment variable editor

Example MongoDB connection string looks like mongodb://pranava:vel0city@localhost:27017/eventms

The setup of cloud MongoDB hosted server is HERE

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